Friday, May 22, 2020
Wgu Paper - 1509 Words
Case Study on Ethics Jennifer Flathers Western Governors University Registered nurses have a moral and legal responsibility to uphold a patient’s rights in relation to their personal health care. An important nursing standard of practice speaks to the registered nurse acting as a patient advocate. WAC 246-840-700 section 3c states â€Å"The registered nurse†¦acts as client advocates in health maintenance and clinical care.†(Washington State Legislature, Practice Standards, 2004) The role of the registered nurse in this particular case study in relation to the above WAC is quite applicable because there is cause for concern related to Mr. E’s patient rights being violated. Mr. E, though mildly developmentally delayed, has a right to self†¦show more content†¦E being placed on a ventilator though it was in direct discordance with his wishes. Dr. K’s willingness to circumvent Mr. E’s patient rights, obtain consent from someone other than the patient himself and not even discuss the case with Mr. E’s medical power of attorney was questionable and unethical. The case study also made it clear that Dr. K did not fully inform those he was attempting to obtain consent from that Mr. E had an advance directive expressing his wishes to not be ventilated. The registered nurse had an obligation to act as an advocate for Mr. E which she did not fulfill by allowing unethical practice by the doctor. As the registered nurse caring for Mr. E, I would fight for his right to choose and make his own decisions related to his care. The ANA code of ethics clearly values this right and holds nurses to a standard of care to be advocates for said rights. This violation of Mr. E’s right to self determination calls for action on the nurse’s part. The first action would be notifying the charge nurse on duty or the DNS requesting help to honor Mr. E’s rights and if necessary climbing the hospital’s chain of command to remedy the violation. Mr. E clearly expressed his wishes to remain off of a ventilator should the need for one ever arise, both seven years ago and currently. His opinion did not change in those seven years making it quite clear that these are in fact his wishes. To place Mr. E on a ventilator is morally and ethically wrong. It is aShow MoreRelatedWgu Org Sys2Tems Paper 24487 Words  | 18 PagesOrganizational systems and Quality leadership. C489-Ta sk 2-revised version Gina Potter 000203903 Western Governor’s University January 31, 2016, 2016 The goal of this paper is to scrutinize the regrettable sentinel event of Mr. B, a sixty-seven-year-old patient who was admitted to a rural ED with left leg pain that he found unbearable. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
Hip Hop And The Music Genre - 927 Words
What is Hip-Hop? According to Encyclopedia Britannica, Hip-Hop can be delineated as a music genre consisting of a stylized rhythmic music that commonly accompanies rapping, a rhythmic and rhyming speech that is chanted.1 Originating from a disparaged subculture in the South Bronx and eagerly spreading through other sectors of New York City during the 1970’s, Hip-Hop evolved from formerly being a relatively fraudulent style to currently being a commercialized and disseminated music genre among diverse areas around the globe. Hip-hop s evolution into a composition distinct from RB ensued around the time that drum-machines and sampling technology became widely available to the general public at a financially affordable cost for the average consumer. Turntablist techniques (i.e. scratching, beat mixing, matching, and beat juggling) ultimately developed along with the breaks, producing a base that could be rapped over, in a manner similar to signifying, as well as percussive breaks (an influence found in Jamaican dub music). The art of manipulating sound and creating illustrious music were few of the techniques that identified the aeon of the hip-hop genre: Three of whom will be presented - The Diamond Era (1983 – 1988), The Golden Era (1989 – 1993), and The Silver Age (1994 – 1998). To commence, the first era (The Diamond Era) arose in the year 1983. Although Hip-Hop emerged before 1983, The Diamond era predates the introduction of a new foundation to the hip-hop genre withShow MoreRelatedHip Hop Is A Genre Of Music1192 Words  | 5 PagesMusic has always been one of the ways that people use to express the connection between their feelings and the outside world with melody, rhythm and sound. There are different genres and many kinds of music from different places and different nationality. Hip hop is a cultural movement that emerged in the 1970s in the United States among Latin Americans, Jamaicans and African American that aimed to protest the social conflicts and violence suffered by the lower classes of urban society. Hip HopRead MoreHip Hop : A Genre Of Music1431 Words  | 6 PagesHip hop is widely know as a genre of music that started in a New York City borough called the Bronx in the late 1970s, but it is more than just the music. Hip hop is a cult ure that consists of being a disc jockey which is also known as deejaying or turntabling, MCing or rhyming â€Å"rapping†, graffiti, fashion, and breakdancing. Hip hop was mostly an underground culture only know to the people living in the Bronx. Hip hop is a relatively new culture which fascinates most people because it of its somewhatRead MoreHip Hop, A Popular Genre Of Music2482 Words  | 10 PagesHip-Hop is a subcultural movement that formed in the early 1970s by African-American, Caribbean and Latino youths. It wasn’t until the late 1980s that it became popular outside of the African-American community and by the 2000s it became the most popular genre of music. However, the subculture has evolved through out the years and the comparison between then and now is growing increasingly big. Hip-Hop in the 80s consisted of music, dance, creativity and artistry. It also allowed people an avenueRead MoreHip Hop Is Widely Known As A Genre Of Music That Started2027 Words  | 9 PagesHip hop is widely known as a genre of music that started in a New York City borough called the Bronx in the late 1970s, but it is more than just the music. Hip hop is a culture that consists of being a disc jockey which is also known as deejaying or turntabling, breakdancing, MCing or rhyming â€Å"rapping†, graffiti, and fashion. Each of these items are key elements in creating hip hop and these key items are part of the hip hop culture. Deejaying was an important factor contributing to hip hop cultureRead MoreHip Hop : A Cultural Movement And Popular Genre Of Music Essay1920 Words  | 8 Pagesthat there s some kind of unity in hip-hop. We all found something that s really important to us, and music is all we ve really got†– Missy Elliot. Hip-Hop is a cultural moveme nt and popular genre of music that emerged during the early 1970 s by working class Black youths in New York City. The cultural movement has rapidly expanded across different countries and ethnicities over the years, becoming one of the few markers that define a generation. Hip-Hop can be seen as â€Å"the fundamental matrixRead MoreRap Or Hip Hop Is More Than Just Another Music Genre940 Words  | 4 PagesRap or Hip Hop is more than just another music genre, it is a movement full of more aspects than one could imagine. The film â€Å"The Art of Rap†directed, produced, and hosted by Ice-T, exemplifies the different aspects and explains the importance of Hip Hop while taking a journey interviewing many legendary MC’s, giving the viewer an inside perspective of this music and the art of MC’ing. This film also heavily resonates with the book Rap Music and Street Consciousness. Ice-T interviews many influentialRead MoreHip Hop Culture And Culture1196 Words  | 5 PagesHip-Hop Culture and race have had a complicated relationship in the past two decades. It has been commonly referred to as â€Å"black music†and a reflection of black culture. However, recent studies done by the Mediamark Research Inc. showed that 60% of rap music buyers are white. With the emergence of white, Latino, Asian, and other rappers with diverse backgrounds on the Hip Hop scene it is important recognize the changing color of the genre and the stereotype it holds as â€Å"black music†. Black cultureRead MoreSimilarities Between Hip Hop And Grime1407 Words  | 6 Pages Musical genre is defined as a category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style or subject matter ( the music genre list 2017 ). Today’s music comes in all styles and forms, this makes it difficult to categorize those new and emerging genres. Hip Hop and Grime both have a culture and are both a rap style genre, that shareRead MoreHip Hop Rap Music And Subculture1643 Words  | 7 Pages Hip-hop Rap Music and Subculture The topic I have chosen for this review is the association between a particular music genre and a subculture. In particular, the issue of focus is the association of the hip-hop rap genre with the black youth subculture in America. As a youth subculture, hip-hop emerged in the 1970s from New York City’s borough of the Bronx. The African American community was the root of the music genre, which gained popularity in the 1980s and 1990s. As part of its growthRead MoreThe Music Of Hip Hop Essay1420 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout the ages, genres such as Rock and Roll, Pop, RB, and Funk ruled the music spectrum. Before the flow of an emcee rocked the crowd with his/her rhythmic flow, a significant day in music history would soon influence the music industry, cultures, fashion, and make this new genre into a global phenomenon. This significant day was marked on August 13, 1973, or also known as the birthday of Hip-Hop. While Hip-Hop can be commonly be associated with being an emcee/rapper, the art of emceeing
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cango Week 2 Video Analysis Free Essays
CanGo Analysis Report Consultants BUSN 460-Team 1 CanGo Analysis Report Let me say first thank you for giving us the opportunity to evaluate your company’s operational process. It has been a tremendous experience to be in a company that started out small and grew to one of the leading businesses in the industry. CanGo does have a promising future ahead. We will write a custom essay sample on Cango Week 2 Video Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now During our evaluation over the past two weeks, we have noticed a few things that will be a problem in the future if not resolved. It seems that the company has been profitable by chance not because of planning. At this point we feel the need to work on the planning aspect and all that it entails. There are six key issues and recommendations that we have made that we know would help improve CanGo. Mission Statement The first issue is to have a mission statement for the company. This statement is the back bone of the company. Every employee will strive day after day with the main purpose of the company. Can-Go’s purpose is to provide a somewhat all inclusive service to entertainment needs via books, CDs, DVDs, and its new prospect online gaming. There seems to be no set direction for the employees to reference. Goals There are goals that Can-Go is going towards, but everyone isn’t on the same page. Unity among the employees is one of the most important aspects that you need to resolve. We witnesses during the management meeting about the online gaming idea, which no one seemed to be able to force their opinion or have an open decision to if the company should go forth with the idea. Andrew was very excited with the idea, but tried to almost push the company into the new market. You can’t go into a new market without seeing what is really involved in proceeding with the new move. SWOT Analysis One key thing that was missing when we observed CanGo is that Liz should have created a SWOT Analysis. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats by conducting this analysis Liz would be able to see where the business was at in the current marketplace. It would also allow her to see where she could make changes in the company to increase profitability. A SWOT analysis allows you to view the internal and external factors of a company. The strengths should be a list of what makes CanGo better than the competitors. Liz made a great choice by giving her customers a $10 gift certificate and free shipping on the next order when they didn’t receive their orders in time for the holiday or received the incorrect order. They offer books and audio/visual entertainment online which is exactly where things are headed. They grew much faster than expected. By purchasing Webjouster they were opening up the door for online gaming. The download time for books and audio is fast. There are quite a few weaknesses that have been observed there seems to be a huge problem with organizational skills. There is no set vision for the company. The company as a whole could use a course on professionalism. When Warren delegated the responsibility to Nick for the online gaming being that this was a very important task it should have been handled better. He should have sat down with Nick and went over the goal and the timeframe that he had to get it done versus being vague about it saying they had weeks to get it done. CanGo also needs to improve their technology in order to offer the online gaming. There needs to be improvement in the Human Resource Department because there are people in positions that cannot meet the expectations necessary to fulfill their job requirements. The new opportunity they are faced with is being able to open up to online gaming. People have laptops, notebooks, and mobile phones with them at all times being able to entertain themselves with electronics is now a way of life. If the weaknesses are not addressed they will be threats because the competitors will be able to get in on the profits because of how unorganized CanGo is when it comes to handling business. I think there is room for CanGo to expand if they make the necessary changes to the company in order to stay on the track they are currently on. Short-term Objectives Liz failed to have a list of short-term objectives. By making this list she would be able to evaluate the progress her company is making. These short-term goals should cover the different functions of the company. These objectives should be SMART. That means they should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timed. They should sit down as a team and develop premeditated plans to meet these objectives. Feedback Loop As a company you are also missing the feedback loop. This is an important part of the strategic management process. It allows you to monitor the execution of every part of the strategic management process. It helps you know which goals and objectives are being met. Liz should sit down with her staff and make a list of short-term objectives and long-term goals. These goals and objectives should be evaluated after a set period of time to see how they are coming along with meeting their objectives and goals. After the goals and objectives are reviewed if they are not being met the process is reviewed and any necessary changes are made at that point. Teamwork There is a big organization problem that Nick has when dealing with getting a projection report for the new online gaming. Warren didn’t give him much to grow on. There were no questions by Nick to get more clarification. Nick’s reaction towards this great opportunity showed that he was impressed for this chance. Gail was not too convinced that he could do it. There seems to be a little rivalry between to the two, but working together as a team will only make the process go smoother. Warren didn’t divide the work load with the entire team. He should have known that it could be too much for only one person to handle. He didn’t make this new venture a joint effort by doing so he could have utilized everyone’s talents. He also didn’t give him a timeline on when this will need to be taken care of. Nick’s organization techniques are very poor. He didn’t even know how to prioritize the task that needed to be done. Pride shouldn’t stop you for asking for help. We were pleased that Debbie took the necessary time to help Nick produce a Gantt chart to help organize the tasks. This is what we like to see with all of your employees. A team is only as strong as its weakest link. Conclusion We would like to thank you for this opportunity to work with you. It has been a pleasure being able to be a part of the future of such a magnificent company. We can’t wait to work hand in hand with you to begin implementing these changes. How to cite Cango Week 2 Video Analysis, Papers
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