Saturday, November 30, 2019
Socail Darwinism Essays - Herbert Spencer, Biological Evolution
Socail Darwinism Darwin is not responsible for 'Social Darwinism.' War and oppression have always been components of human history, however with the introduction of Darwin's theory of evolution man had a new justification for his cruelty. Darwin's ideas promoted a superman or super-race philosophy. The prime component of Darwin's ideas revolves around the notion that life progresses by natural selection - the survival of the fittest. Couple this with the racist culture in the scientific world of his day and you have the reason to pursue any exploitive agenda. Might makes right, so why not proclaim yourself the master race and conquer others? Theodore Roosevelt stated that a racial war to the finish with the Indians was inevitable and there should be a spread of English-speaking people all over the world (Morris 1989, 68-70). Some may say that Social Darwinism is the root cause of all of the world's current problems. Social Darwinism leads individuals as well as social, ethnic, or religious groups, and also nations to compete against other individuals, groups, or nations because they feel in some way superior or think they just naturally have to compete. As we know the practices by which powerful nations or peoples seek to extend and maintain control or influence over weaker nations or peoples is Imperialism and, colonialism usually suggest formal political control, involving territorial takeover and loss of self-government. The intention is to broadly to control or influence either formally or informally, directly or indirectly, politically or economically. Each imperial state attempted to control the trade of its colonies, in order to acquire the benefits of that trade. States pursued power for a variety of reasons: by the need to expand their economies, by the desire for security, and diplomatic advantages. Social Darwinism is that process and which up people within the nation decides to impose their way or philosophy of life i.e. economic structure, social standards, and processes with the intent to dominate and control. This process is fulfilled over many years focusing an economic, social, executive objective. When a nation exists in a constant state of growth using calculated, adaptive resolutions that promotes forward mobility, personifies Social Darwinism. The basic American attitude throughout history has been remarkable by design and left their homeland to implement their native customs. In the minds of most Americans it has been embedded into the basic American thinking. Over the years the attempts to conform one cultural group into the ways of another, many believe, has made this country so prominent ...but at what cost. We have fought wars with the purpose of securing sovereignty within and abroad, capitalizing on the forward momentum knowing that history has taught us that o nly the strong will survive. Social Darwinism, as the name clearly implies, is the application of Darwinian theory to human society. Supporters use the theory both within single nation states, to justify internal inequalities between citizens. Society is not nature; rather it is an artificial structure specifically designed to avoid the perils of the natural world. In human society the collective endeavor is to protect the weakest members, those who would be vulnerable in the state of nature, and allow them the same rights as the strongest. Society was not created to benefit the strong, to grant them control over the weak. All men are created equal is the tenet human civilization ideally attempts to recognize but individual selfishness continually attempts to denounce. Human beings do not adapt to their environment as much as they attempt to change it. That is the purpose of social teamwork: to change the environment. Human society, as a Social Darwinist claims to perceive it, is not some sort of higher order level of nature; human society, unlike many animal societies, does not evolve and adapt to the natural world; human society endeavors to change the face of the natural world. Human beings have the grand desire to adapt the world and their society to themselves, not vice-versa. Martin Luther King forced America to change, he had not, rather, adapted to (or, more accurately, accepted) its contagious hatred of the black man then he may as well never have existed. Human society does not coexist with nature; it attempts to rise above it. Human society, unlike
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Indians of Texas essays
Indians of Texas essays The Native American Indians of Texas were as diverse as the State, influenced by the local geography in which they were living. Previous to settling in Texas the Indians migrated from other established cultures in the region. Some scholars believe that some Indians in Texas were offshoots of the Olmec, Mayan and Aztec that were already established in Central Mexico. Other tribes were influenced from the Indians of the Ohio River valley and the southwestern Pueblo Indian culture in the New Mexico region. Texas lying in the middle of the continent felt the influences from all Indian cultures surrounding the state and offered a wide array of opportunities for survival. The first Texans dressed themselves in animal skins and simple coverings of woven plants fibers. The footwear worn by prehistoric Texans were made from fibers woven into thick platforms and resembled sandals. Some lived in hide covered tepees but for the most part they slept on grass mats in a lean-to covered with tall grass. Their migration patterns were influenced by the weather and food was only difficult to find during a drought or late freeze. The Indians rarely went without food because of the abundance of resources. They took small animals like rabbits and squirrels in traps, nets or by throwing a boomerang type stick to strike down the animal. Larger game like deer and buffalo were hunted with spears that were mostly thrown at the animals. Others gathered pecans, plants and acorns to supplement the protein diet. When near a lake or ocean the fished and while in the desert type areas the caught lizards and ate cactus fruit. The social structure of the Texas Indians is similar to that of other areas. The men hunted for food and protected the group from harm while they traveled. The women were responsible for tending the fire, caring for the children, made clothing and packed and unpacked the camp. They used dogs, the only animal they domesticat...
Friday, November 22, 2019
An Evolution Definition of Darwinism
An Evolution Definition of Darwinism Charles Darwin is known as the Father of Evolution for being the first person to publish his theory not only describing that evolution was a change in species over time but also put together a mechanism for how it works (called natural selection). There is arguably no other evolutionary scholar as well known and revered as Darwin. In fact, the term Darwinism has come to be synonymous with the Theory of Evolution, but what really is meant when people say the word Darwinism? And more importantly, what does Darwinism NOT mean? The Coining of the Term Darwinism, when it was first put into the lexicon by Thomas Huxley in 1860, was only meant to describe the belief that species change over time. In the most basic of terms, Darwinism became synonymous with Charles Darwins explanation of evolution and, to an extent, his description of natural selection. These ideas, first published in his arguably most famous book On the Origin of Species, were direct and have stood the test of time. So, originally, Darwinism only included the fact that species change over time due to nature selecting the most favorable adaptations within the population. These individuals with the better adaptations lived long enough to reproduce and pass those traits down to the next generation, ensuring the species survival. The Evolution of Darwinism While many scholars insist this should be the extent of information that the word Darwinism should encompass, it has somewhat evolved itself over time as the Theory of Evolution itself also changed when more data and information became readily available. For instance, Darwin did not know anything about Genetics as it wasnt until after his death that Gregor Mendel did his work with his pea plants and published the data. Many other scientists proposed alternative mechanisms for evolution during a time which became known as neo-Darwinism. However, none of these mechanisms held up over time and Charles Darwins original assertions were restored as the correct and leading Theory of Evolution. Now, the Modern Synthesis of the Evolutionary Theory is sometimes described using the term Darwinism, but this is somewhat misleading since it includes not only Genetics but also other topics not explored by Darwin like microevolution via DNA mutations and other molecular biological tenets. What Darwinism Is NOT In the United States, Darwinism has taken on a different meaning to the general public. In fact, opponents to the Theory of Evolution have taken the term Darwinism and created a false definition of the word that brings up a negative connotation for many who hear it. The strict Creationists have taken the word hostage and created a new meaning which is often perpetuated by those in the media and others who do not truly understand the real meaning of the word. These anti-evolutionists have taken the word Darwinism to not only mean a change in species over time but have lumped in the origin of life along with it. Darwin did not assert any sort of hypothesis on how life on Earth began in any of this writings and only could describe what he had studied and had evidence to back up. Creationists and other anti-evolutionary parties either misunderstood the term Darwinism or purposefully hijacked it to make it more negative. The term has even been used to describe the origin of the universe b y some extremists, which is way beyond the realm of anything Darwin would have made a conjecture on at any time in his life. In other countries around the world, however, this false definition is not present. In fact, in the United Kingdom where Darwin did most of his work, it is a celebrated and understood term that is commonly used instead of the Theory of Evolution through Natural Selection. There is no ambiguity of the term there and it is used correctly by scientists, the media, and the general public every day.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Biochemistry (cardiovascular biomarkers the advantages and Essay
Biochemistry (cardiovascular biomarkers the advantages and disadvantages) - Essay Example lood sugar, ECG and ECHO provide a gross information of the cardiovascular status, estimation of risk and presence of cardiovascular disease is possible only through definite markers of the disease. The ultimate aim of prevention of cardiovascular disease is to prevent end-organ injury like myocardial infarction. Myocardial infarction mainly presents as chest pain. Infact, chest pain is a common cause for attendance to emergency departments. While millions of people present with chest pain every year, only about 10- 15 percent are actually diagnosed with myocardial infarction (Pasupathi et al, 2009). Lack of appropriate diagnostic and clinical tools to ascertain the presence of myocardial infarction has contributed to unnecessary hospitalization, investigations and expenses (Pasupathi et al, 2009). It is often is difficult to rule out acute myocardial infarction from several other causes of chest pain. But, in view of the high rate of morbidity and mortality associated with the condition, it becomes imperative on the part of clinician to diagnose it and treat in promptly (McPherson, 2010). While ECG is useful in diagnosing acute myocardial infarction, it is not a very sensitive and specific test for diagnosing the condition (Statland, 1996). Infact, in more than 50 percent cases, ECG is non- diagnostic with atypical features (Statland, 1996). Over several years CK-MB was the gold standard for diagnosing acute myocardial infarction. However, recent research has tarnished the image of even that test and troponin testing has replaced that (Statland, 1996). As of now, the search for ideal cardiac marker continues and currently, a combination of more than one marker is used to establish correct diagnosis and prognosis. Ideal marker for use in clinical cardiology would be that which is cardiac specific, that which rises immediately after infarct begins, that which after elevation, remains in the blood for some time, that which is easy to measure, that whose measurements
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
International Resort and Spa ManagementAnalysis of the relationship Essay
International Resort and Spa ManagementAnalysis of the relationship between Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty based on the Service-Profit Chain - Essay Example f service, including acquiring technology that enhances frontline workers, investing increasingly in people, revamping the training and recruiting practices, and performance based compensation. Such approaches enhance employee satisfaction, productivity and loyalty in line with the value of services and products delivers, thus promoting customersatisfaction and loyalty, which in turn enhances the profitability and growth of the organization. It is with no doubt that a loyal customer’s lifetime value is astronomical, particularly upon addition of referrals to the repeatpurchases and customer retention economics (Al-alak & El-refae, 2012, p. 199). The service-profit chain allows managers to focus on new investments that would allow for establishment of levels of service and satisfaction that would facilitate higher competitive impact. Various arguments have been established concerning the relationship between consumer satisfaction and consumer loyalty, with some individuals beli eving that satisfaction fosters loyalty while others refuting this idea. It is evident that a level of consumersatisfaction is highly likely to facilitate repeat purchases and recommendations among consumers, but does not guarantee such loyalty to the organization. The resort and spa industry is increasingly growing with news players being introduced each instance. As such, organizations within this industry are faced with highly competitive markets, which call for highly effective strategic approaches that would allow for attraction and retention of consumers. Managers within thisindustry are faced with contrasting takes on the kind of approaches that would facilitate such retention, with one facet of perspectives suggesting that consumer satisfaction would facilitate loyalty, while the other suggesting that consumer loyalty is not necessarily guaranteed by consumer satisfaction and thus other approaches should be employed. This paper reviews the relationship between consumer satis faction
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Supply of Music after the Introduction of Internet Marketing Essay Example for Free
Supply of Music after the Introduction of Internet Marketing Essay Internet allows the labels to make the distribution directly to the customers bypassing the retailers. Internet eliminates the necessity of the retailers and by this way the recording companies are able to add the amounts payable to the retailers to their own revenues. Since the retailers were to be paid a considerable portion of the total revenue generated the recording companies always finds ways to eliminate the retailers and garner the additional revenues. 1. Another impact internet had on the music industry is the reduction in revenues as a result of piracies and illegal copying of the music products. Though the proportion of such illegal copying is very less in the past with the advancements in the technology with ‘compression protocols and high-speed internet connections’ have resulted in a large manifestation of this issue especially in the college campuses. The websites like Napster that provide free software and central website to download the required songs, have proliferated the problem of illegal copying. In the post-web period that is after the introduction of the internet marketing of the music products, the music industry has been subjected to the threat of a wide spread piracy which has the effect of affecting the sale of the original products. These piracies take the form of piracy of Compact Discs, private burning of the CDs and the peer-to-peer swapping of music files online through the internet. Out of these the biggest threat to the music industry is the peer-to-peer (P2P) supply networks facilitated by the internet. In the P2P networks the exchange of music takes place by the swapping of music files through the internet. Under P2P there is an utter disregard of the labels of the records and P2P bypasses any restrictions and allows the swapping of music files by the consumers without the payment of any money to the record company. P2P also enables the artists to supply the music without the knowledge and control of the record companies. The introduction of MP3 technology along with the possibility of file sharing has enabled the supply of music over the internet much easier and directly to the consumers on their personal computers. As a technical advancement the easy accessibility of music in the personal computers facilitated the proliferation of other portable audio devices that enable the MP3 files to be transferred to these portable devices after downloading from the personal computer. These portable devices could easily be carried around by the consumers. The portable audio devices have the distinct advantage of being small and easy to carry along. These devices enable the consumer to listen to the music while moving around, travelling or while doing exercises. The advent of these smaller audio devices has in effect enhanced the demand for music over the internet as it is possible to transfer the music to these devices from the personal computers where the music is already downloaded via internet. As shown in the figure below the role of internet has increased significantly during the recent periods in the supply of music. So long as the consumers download the music that carries a copyright, in a legitimate way after making payment to the online trading organizations the position of the record companies can be considered safe. In fact internet offers a wide scope to the music industry as the newly emerging digital technologies offers music to large groups of people and enables the audience to have access to their favorite artistes. The internet also offers the possibility of accessing old, new and unusual music at very competitive and affordable prices. (Gerard F. Lewis et al 2005) On the darker side of the internet, it offers scope for music piracies. There is nothing new about the piracy in the music industry. But according to Hammersley, (2002) the scale and ease with which the music piracy is attempted in the internet is really frightening. Source: Parikh (1999) With the advancement in the technology now it is possible to download any piece of music from the internet without paying the charges or cost to the online trading company. This amounts to the pirating of the music piece. Napster, the American company is the famous promoter of such technology for downloading the music from the internet without payment. Thus the new technologies have broken the control of the record company owning the rights for the content form preventing such unauthorized downloads. It made the record companies to realize that they have underestimated the threat to the industry from the piracy and have been very sluggish in reacting to protect their interests. The protection of their rights from illegal trespass would involve the registration and protection of their copyrights more strongly. (Gerard F. Lewis et al 2005) One of the basic business models of the music industry is to make music stars. A music star is made when the music created by the musicians fits into a well defined set of factors that can stimulate the demand of a majority of consumers universally. Here what comes into fore is the music consumers’ needs and preferences. There are certain variables that initialize the customers’ needs and preferences. Rosen (1983) observes musicians with lesser talent are easily substituted by those with more talents. It is also quite possible in the present day context of the availability modern communication technologies like internet and television to reach an audience of unlimited magnitude. Because of this trend there is always the possibility that the musicians with greater talent will always prevail over the musicians with comparatively lesser talent. Using the economic theory advocated by the renowned economist Marshall (1920) it can be pointed out that the technological advancement is the key factor in determining the music industry’s demand. But in addition the ‘talent’ can also be regarded as the deciding factor for the demand. But the only issue with talent is that it cannot be measured. The influence of social pressure also plays a key role in the determination of the need and preferences of the customer. The influence of peer group also changes the customers’ preferences as per the study conducted by Johnstone and Katz (1957) In this case attendance to concerts by music celebrities or listening to their works is considered as a necessity to form a basis of communicating with each other in any peer group. But social pressure is also another variable that cannot be measures as in the case of talent. Hence it may not be precisely possible to identify the extent of the impact of these variables on the customers’ preferences. The other variables that influence the online music consumers’ preferences are the individual tastes, knowledge about music, communication possibilities and the portion of the income that is apportioned by the consumer for music related expenses. Crain and Tollison (1997) identified that the amount of income reserved for music determines the quality and taste of the music as with lesser cost the consumer can listen to the music by non-stars than spending more to listen to music by celebrity stars. The last but not the least criteria is the ‘music time’ denoting the time that can be undividedly distributable for listening to music. This also determines the customers’ needs and preferences over the music online.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Cosmogonic Cycle in Conrads Heart of Darkness :: Heart Darkness essays
The Cosmogonic Cycle in Heart of Darkness  The short novel Heart of Darkness tells a story just like any other heroic myth, except better. This novel rewards an educated reader. Many find the work to be extremely confusing, and actually quite dull. Though it is a complicated book, a reader is stimulated by the symbols and linguistics used by Conrad. The most noticeable is the flaw in the Cosmogony Cycle. This cycle is an integral part of every hero’s journey. An important step in the cycle, the second step in fact, is finding a guide, either spiritual or tangible. If one were to look hard enough in most works of canonical literature, he would find all the necessary components of the Cosmogonic Cycle on the protagonist’s journey, the travel into the underworld, confronting the father figure, meeting, and saving, a female prisoner, then the journey back into the conscious. A guide is there to lead the hero. He generally is a man or woman who has been on a similar journey and knows the pitfalls where the hero may f all. Without this figure in Marlow’s journey, he fell into the temptation of staying in the unconscious "evil" domain. Conrad never gave Marlow a guide, in essence, dooming him to fail his mission. At the beginning of the protagonist’s journey it seemed as though the "two women . . . knitting black wool" (Conrad 13) in the trading center office were there to foreshadow the mortal death of Marlow. One may have drawn this conclusion because this is an obvious reference to the women who knitted while watching aristocrats executed by the guillotine during the French Revolution. I believe it meant something much more deep. A good writer, one of Conrad’s caliber, does not place superfluous scenes, words, or phrases in his or her book. He writes only what he needs to write. With that in mind, because Marlow did not die at the end of his journey, therefore the women then had to represent something else. They foreshadowed the death of Marlow’s soul. They knew he was without a spirit guide because they were aware the Trading Company had not offered him one. They also knew Kurtz hadn’t had a guide either. There were multiple uses of the word soul in the final chapter, many of which talked of the inability for a man’s soul to escape the forest.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Accounting Ch16 Ex
Ex 16. 2 (Basic Types of Manufacturing Costs) Into which of the three elements of manufacturing cost would each of the following be classified? a. Tubing used in manufacturing bicycles. b. Wages paid by an automobile manufacturer to employees who test-drive completed automobiles. c. Property taxes on machinery. d. Gold bullion used by a jewelry manufacturer. e. Wages of assembly-line workers who package frozen food. f. Salary of plant superintendent. g. Electricity used in factory operations. h. Salary of nurse in a factory first-aid station. Ex. 16. 3 (Product Costs and Period Costs)Indicate whether each of the following should be considered a product cost or a period cost. If you identify the item as a product cost, also indicate whether it is a direct or an indirect cost. For example, the answer to item 0 is â€Å"indirect product cost. †Begin with item a. 0. Property taxes on factory building. a. Cost of disposal of hazardous waste materials to a chemical plant. b. Amount s paid by a mobile home manufacturer to a subcontractor who installs plumbing in each mobile home. c. Depreciation on sales showroom fixtures. d. Salaries of security guards in an administrative office building. e.Salaries of factory security guards. f. Salaries of office workers in the credit department. g. Depreciation on the raw materials warehouse. h. Income taxes on a profitable manufacturing company. Ex. 16. 5 (Preparing a Schedule of the Cost of Finished Goods Manufactured) The accounting records of NuTronics, Inc. , include the following information for the year ended December 31, 2007. | Dec. 31| Jan. 1| Inventory of materials| $ 24,000| $ 20,000| Inventory of work in process| 8,000| 12,000| Inventory of finished goods| 90,000| 80,000| Direct materials used| 210,000| | Direct labor| 120,000| | Selling expenses| 170,000| |General and administrative expenses| 140,000| | Overhead is assigned to production at $192,000. a. Prepare a schedule of the cost of finished goods manufac tured. (Not all of the data given above are used in this schedule. ) b. Assume that the company manufactures a single product and that 20,000 units were completed during the year. What is the average per-unit cost manufacturing this product? Ex 16. 9 (Preparing an Income Statement Using the Cost of Finished Goods Manufactured) Mayville Company, a sole proprietorship, reports the following information pertaining to its operating activities: | Ending Balance| Beginning Balance|Materials Inventory| $ 20,000| $ 40,000| Work in Process Inventory| 29,000| 60,000| Finished Goods Inventory| 52,000| 42,000| During the year, the company purchased $30,000 of direct materials and incurred $21,000 of direct labor costs. Total manufacturing overhead for the year amounted to $18,000. Selling and administrative expenses amounted to $60,000, and the company’s annual sales amounted to $200,000. a. Prepare Mayville’s schedule of the cost of finished goods manufactured. b. Prepare Mayvill e’s income statement (ignore income taxes).
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Leadership Characteristics Essay
Abstract Today, in our society, especially in healthcare, the word leadership is on everyone’s mind. Finding good leaders has become one of the highest priorities in large and small organizations. But how we define leadership and what should we be looking for in a good leader will be the questions we explore in this paper. This paper is meant to be a summarized reflection of my thoughts and beliefs on leadership. It will evaluate where I stand at the beginning of this course with regard to the characteristics of leadership I possess. It will explore some of the realities that confront leaders within the healthcare industry. It will examine some of my past experiences, personal and professional, in order to learn who I am as a leader and where I need to go to be an effective leader. key word: self awareness, leadership, realities In the 21st century when globalization and open business opportunity among countries has created an atmosphere of either flourish or perish, the necessity of dynamic and effective leadership is gaining prime importance all over the world. Successful leaders are becoming the scarcest resource of any business enterprise. Over the past years the health care industry has evolved putting more pressure on the health care leaders of today. Success in the long run for these leaders can be insured only through effective leadership. William Shakespeare once said, â€Å"To be or not to be that is the question†. The question every inspiring leader in today’s society must ask of themselves. Leadership according to Northouse (2007, p. 3) â€Å"is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal†. As I continue to read and research this definition of leadership it has brought me to question how does a leader influence others to achieve that common goal? Where do I stand within this leadership definition and what do I need to accomplish as I pursue my leadership desire? In order to accomplish my desire to become a good leader I must understand the characteristics I possess and those I do not. Leaders, whether good or bad influence people, maybe not in the way that the organization benefits from but influence just the same. A good leader will have good work ethics, good communication skills, lead by example, have a desire to achieve the vision and goals of the organization, obtain trust from the organization and their team members, have a drive and desire to see a need for change and act on it when needed, and have a desire to learn from others within the team. Realities Some of the realities that face leaders today are the ever changing work environments. As technology evolves, as our workforce becomes more diverse in skills and culture we as leaders need to be adaptable and ready to make changes. Good leaders need to continue educating themselves through any means possible and be willing to educate those on their teams. As a leader in the health care industry I agree with some current trends confronting the health care system today as seen in Exhibit 1. 1 in our text Leadership in Healthcare (Dye, 2010. p. 5) Growing number of uninsured Increased emphasis on patient safety and equality Diminished revenue sources and decreased reimbursement Uncertain implications of healthcare reform Pressures to invest in electronic record systems and other clinical/information technologies Demands to hold down costs Closer scrutiny of pay-for-performance schemes Aging of the population and changes in worker and patient ethic/cultural demographics Higher expectations from consumers Professional shortages and decreasing recruitment pools Need for building renovation/construction and equipment purchase Rise of social media, Internet commerce, and wireless functionality Advances in Pharmaceuticals, genomics, and medical interventions Public calls for transparency and accountability, and growth of regulations Physician integration and alignment, including the employment of physicians These trends will continue to exist unless the leaders of today and tomorrow learn to be adaptable and progress through the changes or they will be left behind. And the more the complex system is the more demands are on the leaders to perform. History As I was growing up, I never thought of my parents as leaders. On a personal level, in reality they are leaders. Whether bad or good they influence us, as their children, to accomplish goals. Abraham Lincoln once said in his Temperance Address, February 22, 1942, â€Å"When the conduct of men is designed to be influenced, persuasion, kind, unassuming persuasion, should ever be adopted. It is an old and true maxim, that a â€Å"drop of honey catches more flies than a gallon of gall†. (leadershipnow. com) My father was (the boss) an Authoritarian leader. He had always told us what he wanted done and how he wanted it done. (Clark, 2004) I never knew this was a style of leadership as I was growing up but I did know this was not a good way to influence others. Although a leader possesses authority to accomplish goals the power does not make anyone a leader. A good leader will influence people to want to follow them â€Å"rather than simply boss them around†. (Clark, 2004). Reflection The question whether or not a leader is born or taught is yet to be questioned. To refer to a particular individual as a â€Å"natural born leader†I believe is somewhat deceptive, however, an individual can certainly possess a number of the characteristics that are consistent with desirable leadership. Today, as I reflect on my own evaluation of my Professional and Personal Values (Dye, 2010) I have realized I do possess some of the characteristics of a good leader. For instance, I always try to lead by example. I will never ask a subordinate to do something I am not willing to do myself. In my current position I am a Medical Office Coordinator at a physical therapy facility. I am the second in command under the director of the clinic. The previous coordinator would always have the technicians do all the cleaning and filing for her. I believe as an employee within this clinic, to achieve the goals of the clinic, I have an obligation to influence those who work within our team. Also, I have a good work ethic and always have a desire to achieve goals. According to others, that evaluated me, some common characteristics I possess are that I always have respect for my team and keep my word. That I have a desire to learn from others and have a respect for their opinions. For example, as our team was getting ready to purge patient files and making room for new patient files we discovered we needed more room. As a common goal for the clinic we as a team came together and put in place a procedure that accomplished this goal. As the teams leader I could have just demanded a way to make more room or could have just told them to do it any way but I thought since all of the team members were working on the same goal, patient care, we all needed to work on this task together. Room for Improvement Although I do possess characteristics of a good leader there is always room for improvement. I tend to avoid conflict. I avoid conflict in fear of disappointing someone on the team. This is also where I lack in communication skills and trust in myself to know whatever the conflict I should be able to listen and evaluate the conflict and try to solve the issue. Although, I do have good communication skills when it comes to relaying the message with regards to goals and what is expected of my team members I still feel I need to enhance my conflict resolution skills. When I became the Medical Office Coordinator for the physical therapy clinic I knew I needed to work closely with the director of the clinic. The director was new within our clinic and she was not flexible in her schedule to accommodate the patient’s needs. At first, it was hard to deal with this and I was not able to bring this conflict to her attention in a positive way to effectively resolve the problem. As weeks went on I saw that it was affecting my desire to be there. Ultimately, the director was fired due to her lack of commitment to the clinic. As I look back on it I realize now that maybe if I would have communicated to her the dilemma I was facing we could have come to a resolution and maybe she would still be there. There is so much more yet to learn. As I read through the Self-Reflection Questions (Dye, Garman, 2006) there is so much more to being a good leader than just leading by example and inspiring my team. I now realize I need to have a clear vision of my personal conviction, emotional intelligence, trust, a desire to achieve goals and inspiring others.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Gollum, Epenthesis, and Haplology
Gollum, Epenthesis, and Haplology Gollum, Epenthesis, and Haplology Gollum, Epenthesis, and Haplology By Maeve Maddox As I watched holiday re-runs of the Lord of the Rings movies, I wondered if there might be a term for the way Gollum adds syllables to words. Note: Gollum is a fictional character in The Hobbit and its sequels by J. R. R. Tolkien. In Peter Jackson’s movies, Gollum is played brilliantly by Andy Serkis. Gollum frequently adds a sound or syllable to words, especially plurals. For example: Sneaky little hobbitses. Put out his eyeses, make him crawl. What has it got in its nasty little pocketses? Master tricksed us. Wicked, tricksy, false! There is a term for adding sounds to words: epenthesis /ee-PEN-thih-sis/. In phonology, epenthesis is the addition of one or more sounds to a word, usually within the word, but not always. The term combines Greek epi, â€Å"in addition to,†en, â€Å"in,†and thesis, â€Å"putting.†The addition of a consonant is called excrescence and the addition of a vowel is called anaptyxis. Here are some common examples of epenthesis sometimes heard in conversation: /I-dee-r/ for idea /drawr-ing/for drawing /fil-um/ for film /ath-a-leet/ for athlete /somp-thing/ for something Haplology, on the other hand, is dropping a sound or syllable from a word. The term combines Greek haplos, â€Å"simple†and logos, â€Å"speech.†Here are examples of haplology: /feb-u-ree/ for February /lye-bree/ for library /prob-ly/ for probably The examples I’ve given are all nonstandard pronunciations, but sometimes the processes of epenthesis and haplology result in alterations that eventually become standard. Epenthesis gives us England and thunder. The name England derives from the earlier form Engla land. An earlier form of thunder was thunner. Haplology is at work in the pronunciation of the British place name Worcester, which is still spelled with three syllables, but pronounced with two: /WOOS-ter/. Some regional speakers pronounce Mississippi as /mis-SIP-ee/. A similar process in spelling is called haplography: â€Å"Missippi†for Mississippi. (Also called misspelling.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:30 Synonyms for â€Å"Meeting†Hang, Hung, HangedEach vs. Both
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Asthma Is A Chronic Lung Disease
Cystic Fibrosis Cystic Fibrosis is the most chronic lung disease amongst children and teens. Cystic Fibrosis is a disease passed down through the parents, if both parents have the defective CF gene then it is passed down to the spawn. About 1,000 cases of Cystic Fibrosis are diagnosed each year, 70,000 people today suffer with this disease. Out of those 70,000 people, my nephew is one of those diagnosed with this disease. Usually people with this disease only live up to 30 years of age, isn 't it†¦ Asthma is oftentimes overlooked or brushed to the side when talking about disabilities, especially when it comes to discussing disabilities among school children. Due to modern medicine and an increased knowledge about the disease, those affected by it are often able to live normal healthy lives. Despite being treatable, asthma is not a disease that should be taken lightly. Boushey & Fahy state that asthma wasn’t considered a severe disease until the 1960’s when several asthmatic deaths took place†¦ Asthma is a chronic long-term disease that affects breathing tubes that carry air in and out of the lung, it can further be defined as a persistent inflammatory disorder that is linked up with physiological abnormalities in the airways, which can be a variable airflow limitation and airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR). The physiological uneasiness in the airways can be variable symptoms like chest tightness, shortness of breath, cough or wheeze. In some case, these symptoms can be mild or even absent†¦ Lung cancer is a disease that affects the lungs. This type of cancer initiates in the lungs. The lungs are two spongy like organs in the chest that take in oxygen when you inhale and release carbon dioxide when you exhale. People who smoke have the greatest risk of lung cancer. The risk increases with the numbers if cigarettes you have smoked. If a person quits smoking, they can reduce the chances of developing lung, cancer. It is estimated that about 90% of male lung cancer deaths and 75–80% of†¦ Asthma is chronic inflammatory disease of the airways characterized by variable and reversible airflow obstruction. The symptoms of asthma include shortness of breath, cough, chest tightness and wheezing. Genetic factors are thought to play an important role in the development of the disease, however the phenotype expression is profoundly affected by environmental factors1. Asthma affects 334 million people all over the world and is the most common chronic disease among children2. In the UK alone†¦ trying their first cigarette? Kids can get asthma from smoking cigarettes. Asthma is a chronic disease that affects the airway and lungs. When you get asthma you will have very bad chest pain, their will also be sharp chest pain. Their also can swollen thee airway and it will make it hard to breath. Asthma is a very bad disease that can kill you, it has to be treated with a nebulizer and you are making your asthma might go away. You also can get an asthma attack it can happen when you are born early†¦ Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the bronchial mucosa that causes bronchial hyper responsiveness, constriction of the airways, and variable airflow obstruction that is reversible. Asthma occurs at all ages, with approximately half of all cases developing during childhood and another third before age 40 (McCance & Huether, 2014). The most common symptom of asthma is wheezing. Other symptoms include shortness of breath, chronic coughing, chest tightness, and trouble sleeping at night†¦ Lung diseases are very prevalent in the United States. According to a study, COPD is diagnosed in almost 24 million individuals in the US and is among the top 4 reasons of death in the country (Rubin, Dhand, Ruppel, Branson, & Hess, 2011). Other prevalent lung illnesses in the United States are asthma, pneumonia, and ARDS, which all correlate with the concept of gas exchange. In each phase in the continuum of healthcare, nurses will be faced with a patient who is diagnosed with a respiratory illness†¦ The disease of the lungs, COPD, can be traced back to the 1600’s. It was the year 1679 when Swizz physician, Bonet, defined the disease as â€Å"voluminous lungs.†About a century later Italian anatomist, Giovanni Morgagni, termed cases of the lungs as â€Å"turgid.†A series of illustrations of the emphysematous lung putting forth the pathology of the disease was published by Baillie in 1789, thus emphysema was known to be a part of COPD early one (Mandal 2013). Over the years, Chronic Bronchitis became a†¦ LUNG CANCER Hadar Leybov Lung cancer is a disease that affects the lungs. This type of cancer initiates in the lungs. The lungs are two spongy like organs in the chest that take in oxygen when you inhale and release carbon dioxide when you exhale. People who smoke have the greatest risk of lung cancer. The risk increases with the numbers of cigarettes you have smoked. If a person quits smoking, they can reduce the chances of developing lung, cancer. It is estimated that about 90% of male†¦
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Euthanasia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Euthanasia - Research Paper Example Thereafter, the attitudes of medical personnel are examined, in light of individuals’ ethics and morality, and based on academic studies cited. In summary, it is established that the level of commitment medical personnel – both physicians and nurses – have to their chosen religion, the more negative their attitudes to euthanasia are. The paper then touches on legislative and public approaches to this phenomenon, and contrasts these to the nature and aims of medicine, as these are understood by the public. Both the reliability of, and the absolute nature of medical diagnoses, as well as the ability of a terminally ill patient to make rational decisions are highlighted. Both are found to be less than satisfactory, and the paper concludes with the Christian perspective that God has ultimate power over life and death. Euthanasia, therefore, is not a morally or ethically acceptable practice. Gielen, J., Van den Branden, S., Van Iersel, T., & Broeckaert, B. (2011) â€Å"The Diverse Influence of Religion and world View on Palliative-Care Nurses’ Attitudes towards Euthanasia†Journal of Empirical Theology 24 (2011) pp. 36-56  © Brill Publishing Holt, J. (2008) â€Å"Nurses’ attitudes to euthanasia: the influence of empirical studies and methodological concerns on nursing practice†Nursing Philosophy (2008) Vol. 9 pp. 257-272  ©The Author and Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Van den Branden, S. & Broeckaert, B. (2011) â€Å"Living in the hands of God. English Sunni e-fatwas an (non-) voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide†Med Health Care and Philos (2011) Vol. 14 pp. 29-41 DOI 10.1007/s1 1091-010-9280-1 Published online: 1 September 2010  © Springer Science+business Media B.V. 2010 Varelius, J. (2006) â€Å"Voluntary Euthanasia, Physician-Assisted Suicide, and the Goals of Medicine†Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 2006 Vol. 31 pp. 121-137 ISSN: 0360-4310
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